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Santa Approved! Top Secrets for Staying Fit during the Holiday Season From A Personal Fitness Coach

‘Tis the season to be jolly and indulge in all things merry, but what about our fitness goals? Fear not, for Santa Claus himself has given his approval to share the ultimate guide on staying fit during this joyous holiday season! Brace yourselves as we unveil the cheeky secrets of a personal fitness coach who knows how to keep those pounds at bay while still relishing in all the festive delights. Get ready for a sleigh ride through practical tips, delicious recipes, and exciting workouts that will leave you feeling fabulous and guilt-free come New Year’s Day. Say goodbye to unwanted holiday weight gain – it’s time to say hello to a healthier, more energetic version of yourself with these Santa-approved secrets!

Welcome to the holiday season!

Welcome to the holiday season, a time filled with joy, love, and of course, delicious food. It’s that wonderful time of year when we gather with family and friends to celebrate and indulge in all our favorite festive treats. However, for many of us who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle or lose weight, this season can also be filled with anxiety and guilt.

But fear not! As a cheeky fitness coach who loves the holidays just as much as anyone else, I am here to tell you that it is possible to stay fit and still enjoy all the goodies this season has to offer. With a few simple tips and tricks up my sleeve – which have been Santa Claus approved – I am confident that you can navigate through the holiday season without compromising your health goals.

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Rachael, and I am a mum of two as well as a persoanl fitness coach to other sexy mummas! Throughout my career, I have helped numerous clients reach their fitness goals while still leading fulfilling lives full of celebrations and indulgences. And during this special time of year, I want to share my top secrets for staying fit during the holiday season with all of you.

For many people, the holiday season starts right after Thanksgiving, end of November for my fellow aussies (or even before!). And it goes on until New Year’s Day. That’s almost two whole months! So instead of approaching these two months with dread or guilt about ruining your health progress so far, let’s look at it as an opportunity to make

Who is Santa Claus Approved?

Santa Claus Approved is not just a phrase, it’s a state of mind. It represents the ultimate seal of approval from the man himself – Santa Claus.

In terms of fitness level, being Santa Claus approved has nothing to do with having six-pack abs or running marathons. It’s about being committed to taking care of your body in whatever way works best for you. This could mean going for daily walks or hitting the gym regularly – as long as it makes you feel good both physically and mentally.

Santa himself knows that staying fit doesn’t have to be a chore or something done out of obligation. I believes that incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can bring joy and add an extra dose of festivity to your day.

Myth-busting: The truth about holiday weight gain

Holiday season is often associated with indulgent food, festive drinks, and lots of lounging around. It’s no surprise that many people dread the thought of stepping on the scale after the holiday season and seeing a significant increase in their weight. But is this weight gain inevitable? Is it really true that we pack on pounds during the holidays? Let’s bust some myths and uncover the truth about holiday weight gain.

Myth #1: You will gain at least 5-10 pounds during the holidays.

This is perhaps one of the most common myths surrounding holiday weight gain. The reality is, there is no set amount of weight that everyone gains during the holidays. Weight gain depends on various factors such as individual metabolism, eating habits, and physical activity levels. While it’s possible to put on a few pounds during this time, it’s not a guarantee for everyone.

Myth #2: You can eat whatever you want because “it’s the holidays.”

Many people use the excuse of “it’s only once a year” to justify overindulging in unhealthy foods during the holiday season. However, this mentality can lead to excessive calorie intake and ultimately contribute to weight gain. Remember that moderation is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, even during the holidays.

Myth #3: The cold weather makes you gain weight.

It’s a common belief that colder temperatures cause our bodies to store more fat in order to keep warm. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this, like at all.

Personal Fitness Coach Secrets

Secret #1: Moderation is key

The holiday season can be a challenging time for staying fit and healthy. With all the delicious food, festive parties, and busy schedules, it’s easy to slip into unhealthy habits and neglect our fitness routines. However, with some smart strategies and a little bit of moderation, you can still enjoy the holiday season without compromising your health goals.

Moderation is an essential concept when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the holidays. It means finding a balance between indulging in festive treats while also making sure to take care of your body through proper nutrition and exercise. Here are some tips for practicing moderation during the holiday season:

  1. Plan ahead: One of the best ways to maintain moderation during the holidays is by planning ahead. Before attending a party or gathering, make sure to eat a nutritious meal or snack beforehand so that you don’t arrive hungry and end up overindulging in unhealthy options.
  2. Choose your indulgences wisely: Instead of depriving yourself entirely of holiday treats, allow yourself to indulge in moderation by choosing only your favorite foods or drinks. This way, you can satisfy your cravings without going overboard.
  3. Practice portion control: Portion sizes tend to get out of control during the holidays with buffets and large family-style meals. To avoid overeating, use smaller plates and serve yourself appropriate portions instead of piling your plate high with food.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water throughout the day can help

Secret #2: Don’t skip meals

As the holiday season approaches, it can be tempting to skip meals in an attempt to save calories for all the delicious treats that come with this time of year. However, this is a common mistake that many people make and it can actually do more harm than good when it comes to staying fit during the holiday season.

Skipping meals may seem like an easy way to cut down on calorie intake, but in reality, it can backfire on your weight loss goals. When you skip a meal, you are depriving your body of essential nutrients and energy that it needs to function properly. This can lead to feelings of fatigue, irritability, and even overeating later on in the day when hunger strikes.

In fact, studies have shown that skipping meals has been linked to weight gain rather than weight loss. This is because when you go too long without eating, your body goes into survival mode and starts storing fat as a source of energy instead of burning it off.

Moreover, skipping meals can also slow down your metabolism. Your metabolism is responsible for converting food into energy and burning off excess calories. When you go without eating for extended periods of time, your body’s metabolism slows down as a way to conserve energy. This means that even if you do indulge in some holiday treats later on in the day, your body will not be able to burn them off as efficiently.

Instead of skipping meals altogether, focus on making healthier choices and practicing portion control.

Secret #3: Stay Active with Festive Workouts

The holiday season can be a challenging time to stay active and maintain your fitness routine. With the abundance of delicious food, busy schedules, and colder weather, it’s easy to skip workouts and indulge in all the festive treats. However, staying active during this time is crucial for both your physical and mental well-being.

Luckily, there are plenty of fun and festive workouts that can help you stay active during the holiday season without feeling like you’re missing out on any of the fun. Here are some Santa Claus approved tips for keeping fit during this joyous time of year.

  1. Embrace winter/summer sports
    Winter brings along a plethora of exciting outdoor activities such as skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, and sledding. These activities not only provide an excellent workout but also allow you to enjoy the beautiful winter scenery. Now us Aussies are looking at summer! Which means, surfing, swimming, hiking, exploring and more! So grab your family or friends and head outdoors for some heart-pumping fun.
  2. Make use of holiday decorations
    Did you know that decorating your house for the holidays can burn up to 200 calories per hour? So take advantage of all those lights, ornaments, and tinsel by incorporating them into your workout routine. You can do lunges while hanging up decorations or use heavy ornaments as weights for arm exercises.
  3. Dance it out
    My personal favorite! What better way to celebrate the festive season than with some dancing? Put on your favorite holiday tunes and have a dance party in your living room.

Secret #4: Indulge Mindfully

The holiday season is known for its indulgences, from festive treats to large family meals. While it’s important to enjoy these traditions and delicious foods, it’s also essential to do so in a mindful way. Mindful indulgence means being present and aware of what you’re eating, how much you’re consuming, and how it makes you feel.

Here are some tips for practicing mindful indulgence during the holiday season:

  1. Slow down and savor your food
    Instead of rushing through your meal or mindlessly snacking on treats, take the time to slow down and truly savor each bite. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and smells of your food. This will not only enhance your enjoyment but also help prevent overeating.
  2. Listen to your body’s cues
    Pay attention to how your body feels before, during, and after eating. Are you truly hungry or just eating out of habit? Are you starting to feel full or satisfied? Learning to listen to these cues can help you make more conscious choices about when and how much to eat.
  3. Choose high-quality treats
    It’s unrealistic (and not very fun) to completely avoid all holiday treats. Instead of depriving yourself, choose small portions of higher quality options such as dark chocolate truffles or homemade goodies made with real ingredients. This way, you can still indulge without feeling guilty or sacrificing taste.

Secret #5: Plan ahead for events and parties

The holiday season is notorious for being a time of indulgence and overeating. With countless events and parties filled with tempting treats, staying on track with your fitness goals can feel nearly impossible. However, as a cheeky fitness coach, I am here to share my top secret for staying fit during the holiday season: planning ahead for events and parties.

It may sound simple, but trust me when I say that planning ahead can make all the difference in maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this busy time of year. Here are some tips to help you stay on track at events and parties:

  1. Have a game plan: Before attending any event or party, take a few minutes to think about what food will most likely be served. This will allow you to mentally prepare and strategize how you will approach the food options available.
  2. Eat before you go: One of the biggest mistakes people make at events and parties is arriving hungry. This often leads to overindulging on unhealthy snacks and appetizers. Instead, have a healthy meal or snack before heading out so that you are not tempted to eat everything in sight.
  3. Bring a dish: If you know that there won’t be many healthy options at the event or party, offer to bring a dish yourself. This way, you can ensure that there will be something nutritious for you to enjoy.
  4. Fill up on veggies first: When faced with a buffet of tempting foods, start by filling your plate with vegetables first. These low

Bonus tips for staying healthy during the holidays

The holiday season is a time for celebration, relaxation, and indulgence. However, it can also be a challenging time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With all the delicious food, tempting treats, and busy schedules, it’s easy to let our health and fitness goals take a backseat. But with some strategic planning and mindful choices, you can enjoy the holidays while still staying on track with your fitness routine.

  1. Stay Hydrated: It may seem simple, but staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining good health during the holidays. Not only does water help flush out toxins and keep our energy levels up, but it can also prevent overeating by keeping us feeling full. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and avoid sugary drinks like eggnog or hot cocoa.
  2. Prioritize Your Workouts: During this busy season, it’s important to make your workouts a priority. Schedule them into your daily routine just like any other important task or appointment. Whether it’s squeezing in a quick morning workout before starting your day or taking an evening exercise class after work, find what works best for you and stick to it.
  3. Get Creative with Your Workouts: The holiday season often means traveling or spending more time with family and friends who may not have access to a gym or exercise equipment. Embrace this challenge by

Cheers to a fit Christmas!

As the holiday season comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on our fitness journey and toast to a successful and healthy holiday season. With all the indulgent treats and busy schedules, staying fit during this time can be challenging, but with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible. So raise your glasses and let’s cheers to a fit body, mind, and spirit!

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